01204 882211

Buy Approved Second-Hand Cars

When you are buying a used car, you want to make sure you choose a seller with experience and a great reputation. And that’s exactly what you will find at Tottington Motor Company. Because we’ve been providing high-quality used cars for sale in Bracknell for over four decades, and our customers keep coming back because they know they will always find the best cars here.

We only sell cars in first-class condition following an MOT and 88-point inspection, so you can always drive away with complete peace of mind. Our loyal customers come back over and over again because they know that we make it easy to buy used cars in Bracknell. From our sourcing facility to car finance, we’ve got you covered whatever you need.

Want to arrange servicing for a vehicle? No problem. Ask about our service plans today to arrange major or minor repairs, new tyres or anything else you need. We provide a 12-month guarantee on parts and labour too. When it comes to used cars in Bracknell, we’ve got you covered for all your needs.

Please feel free to contact one of our team ...

to discuss your requirements or request a quote, a friendly and professional approach awaits you.

01204 882211