01204 882211

Buy Approved Second-Hand Cars

When you bring your car along to Tottington Motor Company for a service, you know it’s in safe hands. We’ve been servicing cars for our customers in Bedford for decades, and they always go away happy.

Our highly trained and experienced mechanics know their way around all the models, and we provide a 12-month guarantee on parts and labour for your peace of mind. Want a free courtesy car while you wait? You’ve got it. For everything from a change of tyres to a full MOT, check out our service plans in Bedford today.

And if you’re looking for the very best used cars for sale in Bedford, look no further. We’ve got all the best makes and models here, at prices you will love, along with finance packages, so browse our selection today. We can even help you out with our sourcing facility. For used cars in Bedford, we make everything easy.

Please feel free to contact one of our team ...

to discuss your requirements or request a quote, a friendly and professional approach awaits you.

01204 882211